Mimi Norrgren: In ‘Bird’, a
documented 2-hour long body-art action (or “zerreisprobe” / endurance-test),
Mimi Norrgren is shown with a blank canvas as interface protection between
herself — and a real-live rhea (member of the ostrich family), whose advances
she fends off from herself, while still feeling the full brunt of the advances.
‘Bird’, provokes pondering human concerns of constant vulnerability and
desperate need for survival — but also the craving and desire for experience,
risk-taking and even danger. Even in this day and age, gender-politics enter
the equation, given the author (and heroine or star) is female and young.
Furthermore, only a single still photograph of just 1 scene from ‘Bird’ is in
‘Unfeasibility Study’; no moving image footage, audio or relics. However, being
in black and white as well as fact theres limited material to “go on” serve as
reminders that much earlier post and cold war era performance and other work is
only “known” from vintage records or even 2nd-hand “reality”. Additionally, the
past / present / future status of live-art is called into question, with cases
argued for-and-against.
©, Copyright, Douglas Park,
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