Monday, March 18, 2013

New Opportunities for Focused Listening

New Opportunities for Focused Listening, 2005
Le Lieu Unique, Nantes

'New Opportunities for Focused Listening' is a project taking the form of an audio cassette featuring a diverse range of sound pieces intended for an intimate listening experience. 
Drawing on the phenomena of New Age life-changing tapes and CDs - meditation, self-affirmation, relaxation, hypnosis, visualisation, auto-suggestion, speed-learning - the assembled works by contemporary artists, musicians and writers have been conceived with a model of intense audience connection in mind. 
The cassettes have been produced for the exhibition 'Contact' at the Lieu Unique, Nantes, France.

Features audioworks by Frédéric Bernier, Thomas Dartnall, Jules and Thibaut Espiau, Evor, Sharon Kivland, George Henry Longly, Bevis Martin, Felix Martin and Lindsay Pollock, Eleanor Morgan, Michelle Naismith, Douglas Park, Matthew Smith, Anne de Sterk and Charlie Youle.

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