Session_7_WordsPrivate View Friday 4th December 2009_6-9
Show open 5th and 6th December 2009_1-6
Show open by appointment only until 17th January 2010
An exhibition dedicated to words, conceived with LA based journal Material (L).
Am Nuden Da is pleased to present an exhibition focused on artists’ use of the written word.
85 Artists have been invited to email a ‘text piece’ to Am Nuden Da who, using a standardised format, have copied and pasted each submission onto a single sheet of A4. All pieces are set in Arial, the default typeface, at point 10 size. This dogmatic method represents an attempt to foreground language ahead of design, layout and graphic appearance.
The nature of the exhibition in many respects owes its being to the conceptual art of the 1960s. Here, the denial of object is emphasised by the operations of modern logistics – the email allows for artworks to be virtually ‘shipped’ from all over the world, leaving and arriving as nothing butthought. The mechanisms of information technology seems somewhat like a logical extension of the conceptual project of previous generations.
Session_7_Words includes works by artists of several generations, presenting an insight into what written language constitutes within a broad range of contemporary art practices. The levelling parameters of presentation that have been imposed by the curators are intended to set such generational concerns aside and open the works up for a more general study.
The exhibition is curated by Am Nuden Da and Material to coincide with the launch of Material (Issue 2) at London’s Whitechapel Gallery on Thursday 3rd December.
Material, first published in 2007 is an annual LA based journal of writing by artists.
Am Nuden Da is an independent artist-run space in East London.
Am Nuden Da
7 Ravenscroft Street London E2 7SH
7 Ravenscroft Street London E2 7SH
View installation
Øystein Aasan
Marya Alford
Kathryn Andrews
Adriana Salazar Arroyo
Jesse Ash
Charles Avery
Fiona Banner
Becky Beasley
Stephanie Bolt
Olivia Booth
Stefan Brüggemann
Matthew Buckingham
Andrea Büttner
Stefan Burger
Joshua Callaghan
Carrit & Palmer
Alejandro Cesarco
Jake Chapman
Terry Chatkupt
Hsiao Chen
Paolo Chiasera
Marcus Civin
David Raymond Conroy
Simon Cunningham
Robin Dicker
Aleksandra Domanovic
Samuel Fouracre
Maria Fusco
Aurélien Gamboni
Ryan Gander
Joy Gerrard
Douglas Gordon
Alyssa Gorelick
Jesse Aron Green
Lina Viste Grønli
Emilie Halpern
Will Holder
Yngve Holen
David Horvitz
Sven Johne
Farrah Karapetian
Peter Kirby
Susan Kordalewski
Jenny Moore Koslowsky
Oliver Laric
Ian Law
Wiebke Leister
George Henry Longly
Shana Lutker
Ignacio Mardones
Helen Marten
Elizabeth McAlpine
Jessica Minckley
Daniel Mueller-Friedrichsen
Melanie Nakaue
Arthur Ou
Katrina Palmer
Douglas Park
Katie Paterson
Chris Peters
Regine Petersen
Kate Pickering
Philomene Pirecki
Wolfgang Plöger
David Price
Dan Rees
Olivier Richon
Declan Rooney
Martha Rosler
Giles Round
Ama Saru
Scanlon & Grivell
Roland Seto
Emma Shercliff
Cally Spooner
Jack Strange
Roman Vasseur
Lawrence Weiner
Richard Wentworth
Dee Williams
Duncan Wooldridge
Charlie Woolley
Cerith Wyn Evans
Eric Yahnker
Viola Yesiltac
Marya Alford
Kathryn Andrews
Adriana Salazar Arroyo
Jesse Ash
Charles Avery
Fiona Banner
Becky Beasley
Stephanie Bolt
Olivia Booth
Stefan Brüggemann
Matthew Buckingham
Andrea Büttner
Stefan Burger
Joshua Callaghan
Carrit & Palmer
Alejandro Cesarco
Jake Chapman
Terry Chatkupt
Hsiao Chen
Paolo Chiasera
Marcus Civin
David Raymond Conroy
Simon Cunningham
Robin Dicker
Aleksandra Domanovic
Samuel Fouracre
Maria Fusco
Aurélien Gamboni
Ryan Gander
Joy Gerrard
Douglas Gordon
Alyssa Gorelick
Jesse Aron Green
Lina Viste Grønli
Emilie Halpern
Will Holder
Yngve Holen
David Horvitz
Sven Johne
Farrah Karapetian
Peter Kirby
Susan Kordalewski
Jenny Moore Koslowsky
Oliver Laric
Ian Law
Wiebke Leister
George Henry Longly
Shana Lutker
Ignacio Mardones
Helen Marten
Elizabeth McAlpine
Jessica Minckley
Daniel Mueller-Friedrichsen
Melanie Nakaue
Arthur Ou
Katrina Palmer
Douglas Park
Katie Paterson
Chris Peters
Regine Petersen
Kate Pickering
Philomene Pirecki
Wolfgang Plöger
David Price
Dan Rees
Olivier Richon
Declan Rooney
Martha Rosler
Giles Round
Ama Saru
Scanlon & Grivell
Roland Seto
Emma Shercliff
Cally Spooner
Jack Strange
Roman Vasseur
Lawrence Weiner
Richard Wentworth
Dee Williams
Duncan Wooldridge
Charlie Woolley
Cerith Wyn Evans
Eric Yahnker
Viola Yesiltac
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