Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Family Portrait

1997, digital print on dibond, Philip Huyghe, 1997

Tableaux featuring Philip Huyghe works, in domestic setting. Philip Huyghe himself is in the middle, between his parents (father at left, mother on right).

Similar to my 'Babushkoid Hibernatorium', a veritable tour-de-force of Philip Huyghe's work.

I'll never forget Philip Huyghe's 'Fistula' retrospective survey, MuHKA, Antwerpen, 2001. A magic (sur)realist and symbolism reality-warp dreamland to drift, glide, browse and skim through, around and all over. As well as Philip Huyghe's creations by themselves, they also appear reused, in this and other works.

My 'Babushkoid Hibernatorium' concentrates heavily upon us, our experience, circumstances, identity and consciousness; inescapably mixed up with imagery, artefacts and ritual; then their cause, meaning, purpose, usage and mechanics of them; from before the cradle, until after the grave and certain incidental stages in-between.


Dans c'est œuvre, l'artiste avais inclus autres œuvres des illes. l'artiste avec illes parents ete aussi vedettes dans c'est tableaux (drapeau, sculpture, moulage, vitrine etc). l'artiste porte une masque sont hybride illes face avec c'est de ille's mere. c'est autre œuvres illes produit avec illes et illes mere. l'artiste avais une nom-de-famille plus similaire a quelque artiste vivante francaise.

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