Sunday, September 29, 2013

Onground 지상소

Sep. 2013

온그라운드 _ 지상소
건축 전문 갤러리

오픈 시간
평일: 오후 2시 ~ 오후 7시 (월요일 휴관)
주말: 오후 12시 ~ 오후 7시
서울시 종로구 창성동 122-11

onground _ jisangso
The Architecture Gallery

WEEKDAY: 2pm - 7pm (closed on Monday)
WEEKEND: 12pm - 7pm

122-11, Changsung-dong, Jongro-gu, Seoul, Korea

+82 01 7447 0771,

건축가 조병수 작품 ‘온그라운드…’
목조주택을 전시공간으로 개조
천장 나무 사이로 햇빛 쏟아져
자연과 재료 특성 최대한 살려

서촌이라 불리는 서울 종로구 경복궁 옆 창성동 작은 길 안에 새 갤러리 하나가 들어섰다. 막다른 골목 끝 검은 철문을 열면 너무나 작은 마당과 역시 어두운 짙은 색 나무판으로 마감한 아주 아담한 건물뿐. 창고처럼 보이는 건물 안으로 들어서면 비로소 갤러리 특유의 순백색 내부가 등장한다. 그리고 다른 미술 공간에선 전혀 볼 수 없는 풍경이 갑자기 펼쳐진다. 천장 나무 틈 사이로 하늘에서 빛이 쏟아져내려 실내 전체에 자연의 무늬를 만들어낸다. 갤러리라고 하면 작품에 영향을 미치는 햇빛을 완전히 차단하는 게 상식이지만, 이곳 ‘온그라운드스튜디오’에선 작품이 아니라 천장에서 내려오는 빛들이 작품이자 주인공이 된다. 건축이 ‘빛으로 하는 예술’이란 것을 건물 전체로 보여주는 듯한 곳이다.
16일 문을 여는 온그라운드스튜디오는 현재 한국 건축계에서 가장 중요한 건축가 중 한 명으로 꼽히는 조병수씨의 새 작품이자, 그가 직접 운영하는 전시공간이다. 국내에선 드문 건축 전문 문화공간을 표방해, 다양한 건축 관련 전시와 행사를 열 계획이다. 바로 옆 문화상점 가가린과 벽을 터 두 건물이 하나로 이어지는 독특한 건물이기도 하다.
서울 광화문 트윈트리타워, 강원도 화천의 소설가 이외수씨 집필실과 문학관, 경기도 파주 헤이리 황인용씨의 음악감상실 카메라타 등을 설계한 유명 건축가의 작품이라면 시선을 사로잡는 특별한 건물을 예상하기 쉽지만, 온그라운드스튜디오는 이런 예상을 모두 거부하는 작고 소박하고 차분하기 짝이 없는 집이다. 대신 건물 천장 나무 사이로 빛이 비처럼 쏟아진다. 색깔 짙은 나무 천장과 하얀 전시공간이 대비와 조화를 이루고, 빈 공간 안에서 빛들이 만들어내는 선들이 시간에 따라 변해가며 부유하듯 느릿느릿 춤을 춘다. 빛과 건축이 함께 만들어내는 미묘한 분위기를 사진으로 온전히 보여주기 불가능한 건축이다.
집은 원래 일제 강점기 때 지은 단층짜리 일본식 목조 주택이었다. 건물 면적은 불과 67㎡(약 20평). 건축가는 이 작은 건물에서 자기 건축의 근간으로 여겨온 지론과 경험을 녹이고자 했다. 특별한 장식이나 기교는 배제하고 재료의 물성을 최대한 살리는 정직함, 그리고 그가 늘 간직해온 특별한 기억과 연결되는 콘셉트였다.
조 건축가가 건축 인생에서 인상적인 순간으로 꼽는 것은 미국 유학 시절 몬태나에서 우연히 봤던 낡은 헛간이다. 긴 나무판으로 막은 벽이 오래되면서 틈이 벌어졌고, 그 틈으로 들어온 빛이 어두운 내부에서 반짝거리는 헛간 내부의 느낌은 그에겐 명건축물 못잖은 감동이었다. 창성동 집은 지붕 기와와 널판을 걷어내니 천장 뼈대 나무 사이로 빛이 들어오는 모습이었고, 건축가는 그 아름다움을 그대로 살렸다. 물론 빗물을 막기 위해 나무판 위로는 유리를 덮었다. 좁디좁은 쪽마당은 조경가 권춘희씨의 작품이다. 수십년 세월의 더께가 가득한 시멘트담과 얼기설기 만든 작은 계단을 남기고, 키작은 나무 몇 그루와 이끼 식물만으로 살짝 꾸몄다. 덜어낼 것은 덜어내고 심을 것만 최소한으로 심은 마당은 오히려 더욱 공간이 가득 차있는 느낌이다.
조 건축가는 늘 어린 시절 그를 매혹시켰던 시골 외가의 아름다움을 말한다. “빗소리와 햇살이 비치는 마당, 소나기 내릴 때의 흙냄새, 마당 주변의 소리와 볕과 질감” 같은 것들이 그의 건축에 지대한 영향을 미쳤다. “돌고 돌고 돌아보니 결국은 하늘이 아름답고 물이 아름답고 땅이 아름다웠다. 그 아름다움은 내가 어렸을 때 본 아름다움과 같았다.” 빛으로 지은 창고 같은 창성동 갤러리는 그가 이야기해온 건축의 아름다움을 잘 보여준다.
글ㆍ사진 구본준 기자

Tuesday, September 24, 2013


The BLACK SHEEP LECTURE #53 will take place at the Ilmin Museum of Art in occasion of 'By accident' Performance, exhibition and book by Douglas Park curated by the Kim Kim Gallery, Komplot and Damien Airault


*Douglas Park* Friday, 18 October, 5.00 p.m.*, 
Ilmin Museum of Art
***Performance starts at 4.00 p.m.***

일 시 : 2013년 10월 18일(목) 5 p.m. (Performance starts at 4 p.m.)
장 소 :  일민미술관 3F
강의자 : Douglas Park, Damien Airault, Sonia Dermience
참가비 : 무료
문 의 :  010-4340-1277 (Kim Kim Gallery),  02-2020-2050 (Ilmin Museum of Art), 010-5239-4020 (Black Sheep Lectures / Dirk Fleischmann)
주소 : 서울시 종로구 세종로, 139번지 일민미술관

* BLACK SHEEP LECTURE 순차통역으로 진행됩니다. 

Douglas Park(*1972, UK) is a London based writer, poet, raconteur whose art practice deals with indexing, fragmentation and cultural mimetic transmission. One of his areas of research is the examination of marginalized elements of contemporary art history through the prism of the "accident". This is the starting point for this exhibition and it takes the form of both a prototypical model for cultural remapping and a hypothetical historical flux density measuring device.
The lecture will start at app. 5 p.m. right after the performance, which starts at 4 p.m.

Date : October 18 , 2013 (Fri) 5 p.m. (Performance starts at 4 p.m.)
Venue : Ilmin Museum of Art, 3rd floor, Exhibition Hall,
Lecturer : Douglas Park
Admission Fee : none
Inquiries : 010-4340-1277 (Kim Kim Gallery), 02-2020-2050 (Ilmin Museum of Art),  010-5239-4020 (Black Sheep Lectures, Dirk Fleischmann)
Address : lmin Museum of Art Building, 139 Sejongno, Jongno-gu, Seoul 110-050, Korea

*This BLACK SHEEP LECTURE will be presented in English with Korean interpretation*

The Black Sheep Herd: Seho Ahn, Ibon Aranberri, Luchezar Boyadjiev, Roger M. Buergel, Seoung-Ho Cho, Sunah Choi, Luigi Colani, Simon Dybbroe Møller, Michael Eddy, Charles Esche, Merv Espina, Andreas Fogarasi, Jeff Gabel, Minoru Hatanaka, Heiner Holtappels, Adriá Juliá, Sabine Kacunko, Youngseop Kim, Jongheok Lee, Myung Seon Kim, Vera Lossau, Lynn Lu, Rita McBride, Bjørn Melhus, Klaus Mettig, Yong Soon Min, Simon Morley, Antonio Muntadas, Carsten Nicolai, Olaf Nicolai, Douglas Park, Liz Park, Dan Perjovschi, Claudia Pestana, Sascha Pohle, Att Poomtangon, Sean Snyder, Yoo Sunghoo, Quynh Vantu, Hans Maria de Wolf, Jun Yang, Je Yon, Piotr Zamojski

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Douglas' six-parks

Kurt Ryslavy
Sep. 2013

Kurt Ryslavy is conceptual artist, poet and painter descending from Austria. He invented the “bourgeoise travesty” as an artistic expression. In his view this is one possible strategy to liberate art-production from submission to the globalized race for cultural fundings. He realizes non-fictional iuridic documents within different media. His image-findings/ creations combined with writings go beyond taboos of art and society. His preferred media are text, video, installation, performance, sculpture, painting and specific (exhibition-)concepts. 
Kurt Ryslavy collaborated on several occasions with Douglas Park and Kim Kim Gallery is proud to announce the commission of a site specific installation of Kurt Ryslavy developed under the conceptual premise of Douglasism. 
Kurt Ryslavy will create a Douglas´ six-Parks, (a verbal and physical pun, an allusion to six-packs and Douglas Park, both not really agreeable options) in an empty, slightly derelict but clean Factory building in Uljiro. The installation will contain, illuminated fridges, whine bottles in 6er packs, and costum made Austrian whine merchant etiquettes and yet in its shape undefined, truck turpuline. 

Friday, September 20, 2013

L'éclipse de l'âme

## November 2012. L'éclipse de l'âme (I-V). Jan Mast

## L'éclipse de l'âme I : Please, Dance on the Sea at Night
Francis F.
Jan Mast.
It's been lightyears.
Many times the sun was hiding.
Did you see vast white landscapes?
Endless horizons?
I prefer mountains.
Were you there too?
Yes, I was. I don't know.
I learned to forget.
What do you fear? Are you suffering?
No. Yes. Both.
They look for holes in my story.
Dark places that feel cold.
Things I managed to forget.
You see...
Are you hiding ?
Like a restless animal.
Tracking you down.
Do you want to go back in space?
The great escape?
Start over.
Safe havens protect you from life.
We meet here by accident.
We are drinking together by chance.
I decided to start talking to you.
You chose to listen.
Don’t try to get there sooner.
I have been there.
And I came back.
Your today is a second of my past.
No, I move before your eyes.
Everytime you blink, I visit then and now.
I move forward and back again.
You'll never catch me.
I am your eclipse.
I jump into the sun.
L’éclipse de l’âme.

## L'éclipse de l'âme II : Looking for the Juggling Man
(extracts of Dante Alighiero / images only / extracts of William Burroughs, What keep mankind alive?)

## L'éclipse de l'âme III : L'éclipse de l'objet, l'éclipse du sujet
j'aime les montagnes
and the sea at night
what's that ?
it tastes like bacon
dust on my shoes

## L'éclipse de l'âme IV : The Strong Poet's Anxiety of Influence
(images only)

## L'éclipse de l'âme V : Exit Interzone

Somebody dies, the camera, that is.

The camera gets buried.
Do I die?

I almost did.
Or at least it felt like that.

I somehow link it to my possible greatgreatgreatgreatgreatgrandmother, buried alive, because she wouldn't convert to another belief.
She was a Hugenot.

I burst out in tears, desperate for air, breathing erratically, as if my body suddenly engaged with a strange energy rush.
I felt her pain, somehow, anyway, I was her, for a short while.

L’éclipse I :
Internal language / Hineinsystematik / the inner world / the me.

L’éclipse II :
Internal language + studying another language (Philip Van Isacker) / the inner world contrasted / the me and somebody else as different entities.

L’éclipse III :
Internal language + multiple languages interfering / the inner world manipulated / the me and many more (Nico Dockx, Ann Veronica Janssens, Krist Torfs).

L’éclipse IV :
Internal language + external language (Pauwel De Buck) = new language / the inner world expanding / the me and somebody else converging.

L’éclipse V :
Internal language becomes external language / the inner world moves into the outer world / the me becomes the you / a new story begins (Douglas Park).

The you becomes the me again.

Before the images leave me.

I see a dark space.
A room?
Smooth walls, silken, could be a tomb, or even the universe.
The silk moves.
Somebody has died.
A pale woman stands above the grave, dark clothes, big eyes, red red lips.
She starts to sing Dante.
The dead stay dead, but they also stay alive.
Zoom in on the singing lady.
The camera moves away, towards the ceiling, into the pale blue lamp, overlit sunlight.

For the singing woman, an opera singer.
Her voice carries us.

A Polish song.

For the dead woman, a frail beauty, open eyes.
Clear eyes take my breath away.
White face, colourless lips, light hair, fine hands, dangerously innocent, but strong inside. She chooses to die for her beliefs.



Tableaux vivants.


Marie-Antoinette is dancing around, casual, free as a bird.
Who knows what awaits here?
Where has she been?
Where will she go?
It looks so dated. Until she swirls and turns and slams against the fire exit. The doors open. Light blinds us.
Neon lights.
Like she just strolled out of a disco or something, a nightclub undefined.
Her face looks older in this light, more aged.
She moves through the streets.

Welcome back, Alice.

A softly faded colour in her attitude.
Maybe dwelling in all her could-have-beens and ifs.

Cars pass under the bridge.
Could be summer.
The sky is clear.
It could be morning.
The lights are still on.

Waterfalls, I want them, waterfalls.

Strange nature.



( Please, Dance On The Sea At Night )
text, camera, sounds, editing by Jan Mast
voice performance by Douglas Park
includes excerpts of :
Collapsing Stories / D is Doneby Jan Mast & Madensuyu, 2008
Flesh to White to Black to Fleshby Bruce Nauman, 1968
Good Boy, Bad Boyby Bruce Nauman, 1985

( Looking For The Juggling Man )
camera, sounds, editing by Jan Mast
sounds by Philip Van Isacker
includes excerpts of : Within The Movement Of Time / The Juggling Man by Philip Van Isacker, 2009
Aguaespejo Granadinoby José Val del Omar, 1953-1955
What Keeps Mankind Alive by William S. Burroughs, 1994

( L’éclipse de l’objet, l’éclipse du sujet )
text, camera, sounds, editing by Jan Mast
text by Nico Dockx
editing in collaboration with Nico Dockx, Ann Veronica Janssens, Krist Torfs
includes excerpts of : L'éclipse de l'objet, l'éclipse du sujet, 2009 by Nico Dockx, Ann Veronica Janssens, Krist Torfs

( The Strong Poet’s Anxiety Of Influence )
camera, editing by Jan Mast
soundscape by Pauwel De Buck
includes excerpts of :
Le corbeau et le renard by Marcel Broodthaers, 1967
what are we doing here! by Rirkrit Tiravanija & Arto Lindsay, 2008

( Exit Interzone )
text, camera, editing by Jan Mast
voice performance, text
revisal by Douglas Park
includes excerpts of : Freak Orlando by Ulrike Ottinger, 1981


Brian Butler & the Hollywood Hills / Miguel & Pauline de Potter & the misty woods of Bredau / Lieve Laporte & her lightning feedback / Thomas Verbeke & his grandmother's engraved rifle / Nathalie Janssens de Bisthoven / Pauwel De Buck / Barbara De Schouwer / Nico Dockx / Helena Laporte / Madensuyu / Douglas Park / Patrick Ronse / Alexander Saverys / Clara Sobrino Heyvaert / Nico Strobbe / Rirkrit Tiravanija / Patrick Ronse / Philip Van Isacker / Peter Verkest / Ann Veronica Janssens & anybody I might forget / anybody I might have filmed / you


BEPART, platform for contemporary art, Waregem


©2012 Jan Mast

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Speech is matter

클레멘스 크뤼멜 강연
Speech is matter, and Thinking like a stone
오후 4 - 6
서울 종로구 세종로 139.
일민 미술관 3

Clemens Kruemmel Lecture
Speech is matter, and Thinking like a stone
11th October 2013
16 - 18 p.m.
Ilmin Museum of Art
3rd Floor
139 Sejongno, Jongno-gu, Seoul

Clemens Krümmel
Studium Kunstgeschichte, Philosophie und Städtebau, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn. Magister.
1988-1995 Kuratorische Ausbildung und Volontariat am Karl Ernst Osthaus-Museum Hagen.
2006 ongoing Tätigkeit als freier Kurator, Redakteur, Kritiker und Übersetzer.
2000-2006 Redakteur und Mitherausgeber der Zeitschrift „Texte zur Kunst", Berlin (
2004/2005 Mitkurator der Ausstellung „Tauchfahrten - Zeichnung als Reportage" (mit Alexander Roob), Kunstverein Hannover, Kunsthalle Düsseldorf; Mitgründer des Melton Prior Instituts für Reportagezeichnung, Düsseldorf (
Zahlreiche Lehraufträge, vor allem an der Merz-Akademie in Stuttgart und am Institut für Kunst im Kontext, Universität der Künste, Berlin; zurzeit an der Kunsthochschule Weißensee, Berlin (mit Dierk Schmidt).
Mitherausgeber der kunsttheoretischen Buchreihe „Polypen", b_books Verlag, Berlin (mit Sabeth Buchmann, Helmut Draxler und Susanne Leeb).